Fire Department
Interim Chief: Paul Feeney
Assistant Chief: Kory Richards
Captain: Jason Rogers
Lieutenant: Josh Tracy
Fire Warden: Geary Coogler, Jason Rogers & Kory Richards
The Bethel Fire Department is looking for volunteers! Please contact the Town Manager's Office if interested 802-234-9340
***Please be sure to have your red house sign with your 911 location up and visible from the road, if you don't have one please contact the Town Manager's Office 802-234-9340**
The Town is served by a single volunteer fire department that responds to fires and other emergencies in Bethel and neighboring towns. Firemen respond to about sixty calls each year, of which less than 30% are Bethel fires. Neighboring communities’ departments are called in on large fires requiring outside resources per mutual agreements.
The Bethel Volunteer Fire Department meets at the Fire Station every other Monday at 6:30 PM.
NOTICE: The State of VT has now stopped the issuance of all burn permits effective immediately. Burning in the Town of Bethel is now prohibited until further notice.
Burn Permits
Contact any of the following Fire Department Members:
Jason Rogers: 802-345-3036 or Kory Richards 802-793-9838
Additional information regarding htthttps://fpr.vermont.gov/forest/wildland-fire/monitoring-fire-dangerps://fpr.vermont.gov/forest/wildland-fire/monitoring-fire-danger is available from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation.
Pool Filling:
The Bethel Fire Department does not fill swimming pools due to liability reasons. There are local vendors that do.