Town Forests
In addition to the listed recreation facilities, the Town owns three municipal forests. These are: a 70-acre tract east of Bethel Village (Branliere), A 160-acre tract near Lilliesville (Quimby Lot), and a 230-acre tract in the Camp Brook area. These forests are fequently used by the public for hiking, hunting, and similar uses. The Town periodically conducts timber harvesting in consultation with the Windsor County Forester.
Branliere Town Forest
This property was given to the Town of Bethel by Mrs. Mary Stickney Branliere in 1965, and was formerly called the Hunton and Hartwell pastures. Mrs. Branliere's Last Will and Testament dated March 26, 1963 specifically states that the property is to be kept as pastures and woodland, "never to be stripped nor any part or parcel of the land to be sold for commercial or other purposes." The property was approved by the State of Vermont as a Town Forest on March 3, 1966.
Quimby Lot (Rindge Hill Town Forest)
The Town of Bethel acquired the lot from Mary Quimby on January 1, 1934, by Warranty Deed recorded in Book 33, Page 428 of the Bethel Land Records. The property was approved by the State of Vermont as a Town Forest on September 30, 1957.
Camp Brook Town Forest
Formerly known as the Myrick-Burbank lot, the Town of Bethel acquired this property on November 5, 1948 as part of its purchase of the Floyd E. Eastman Water System, as is recorded in Book 37, Pages 696 to 699 of the Bethel Land Records. The property was approved by the State of Vermont as a Town Forest on January 30, 1961.
Map Location